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Bug-release version 10.0.6 released

dolibarr ERP/CRM

Bug-release version 10.0.6 released. Dolibarr ERP/CRM version 10.0.0 was released on june 30, 2019 and two months later the first bug-release was launched with a lot of improvements. After another bug-fix release on september 11, one on october 22, and one one on november & december 27, So it’s wise to install this update as soon as possible on your current installation. Now, just in the new year, the latest bug-release 10.0.6 is available.


ChangeLog for 10.0.6 compared to 10.0.5
FIX Regression of 10.0.5 to create/edit proposals and orders.
FIX: #12760 #12763 #12755 #12765 #12751
FIX: add product qty in shipment already sent (fix for option STOCK_CALCULATE_ON_SHIPMENT_NEW)
FIX: an issue that shows all entities stock
FIX: class Facture undefined in displaying margin information
FIX: error 500 when getting margin info for objects other than invoices
FIX: Loan card – Wrong language key used
FIX: Missing language key for MAIN_MAXTABS_IN_CARD
FIX: product with empty stock were not visible
FIX: remove backward compatibility projectid and uses object id instead
FIX: Some issues on salary payment
FIX: Some problems on conciliation with others modules
FIX: typo on language key
FIX: url new for task time spent in project element tab
FIX: uses GETPOSTISSET instead of GETPOST for projectfield
FIX: var transkey not defined in input hidden
FIX: wrong var name and avoid warning

ChangeLog for 10.0.5 compared to 10.0.4
FIX: 10.0: add URL param “restore_last_search_values=1” to all backlinks pointing to lists
FIX: 10.0: do not display single-letter values (indicating duration unit without value) in product list
FIX: #12473
FIX: #12481 : fix ticket creation from thirdparty, mission $socid var
FIX: #12482
FIX: #12644
FIX: #12665 Mass invoice validation with stock management
FIX: #12688
FIX: #12745
FIX: add and modify category translate form with posted values on errors
FIX: add URL param “restore_last_search_values=1” to all backlinks that point to a list
FIX: CommandeFournisseurLigne update function must not be able to return other value than 1 if success
FIX: contact card state address selected after filling address
FIX: dol_string_nohtmltag when there is html with windows EOL “
FIX: filter language is an array
FIX: first col at wrong position in Export 2007 (new)
FIX: getrights() request
FIX: Invoice Situation integration into Margin
FIX: missing nl2br conversion
FIX: not fee in payout list
FIX: product_fourn_price_id was assigned too late for logPrice() function
FIX: Reduce number of request for list of products
FIX: set due date in object in create invoice
FIX: units traductions for selectUnits() function
FIX: when we need to bill several orders, order lines unit is not on bill lines
NEW: 9.0: allow users to use the mysqldump ‘–quick’ option